Course Catalog
The Course Catalog below lists all of NVLTAP’s trainings. If you’re unsure of what training to take, discover which trainings align with your job requirements by viewing the Career Development Matrices.
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Airfield Pavement Maintenance and Repair
Constructing a Quality Crack Treatment*
Constructing Thin Surface Treatments for Asphalt Pavements.*
Introduction to Pavement Management: virtual, Reno
Managing Roadway Drainage Systems*
Mastic Crack Seal Demonstration: Sparks, Carson City
Pavement Condition Assessment Field Training*: Reno,
Roadway Construction Focus Four & Heat Hazards: Las Vegas, Reno, Elko, Winnemucca
Roundabout Design: Reno, Las Vegas
Selecting the Right Pavement Preservation Projects
Pavement Preservation Overview
Pavement Preservation: An Overview
Pavement Preservation: Project Selection
Pavement Preservation: Treatment Selection
Pavement Preservation: Additional Decision-Making Considerations
Preservation of Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements
Asphalt-Surfaced Pavement Distress Identification
Asphalt Pavement Patching Overview
Asphalt Partial-Depth and Full-Depth Patching
Chip Seal Preconstruction Inspection
Chip Seal Construction Inspection
Introduction to Construction Management (self-paced)
Slurry Seals and Micro Surfacing
Thin Asphalt Overlays and Ultra-Thin Bonded Wearing Courses
Preservation of Concrete-Surfaced Pavements
Concrete Pavement Preservation: An Overview
Concrete-Surfaced Pavement Distress Identification
ATSSA Flagger Training*: Reno
Basic Work Zone Traffic Control* Reno, Winnemucca, Elko, Las Vegas, Tonopah
Flagger Training*: Northern NV
Flagger Training* Southern NV
Pavement Marking Maintenance & Installation*: Virtual
Electrical and Arc Flash Safety: Reno, Las Vegas
Confined Spaces: Reno, Vegas, Winnemucca
Equipment Safety and Maintenance: Elko, Reno, Winnemucca, Vegas
Evacuation & Trench Safety: Elko, Ely, Reno,
Hazards in Roadway Construction: Elko, Winnemucca, Reno
Low-Cost Roadway Safety Improvements*
OSHA 10 for Construction Reno, Vegas, Winnemucca, Tonopah
Road Safety Champion Program – Module 1: Introduction to Road Safety*
Road Safety Champion Program, Module 2: Anatomy of a Crash – Understanding Human Factors*
Road Safety Champion Program – Module 3: Introduction to Traffic Safety Culture*
Road Safety Champion Program – Module 4: Overview of the MUTCD*
Road Safety Champion Program – Module 6: Reading the Road*
Road Safety Champion Program – Module 7: Safety Analysis Process*
Roadside Hazards and Airbourne Pathogens: Elko, Reno, Winnemucca
Roadway Construction Focus Four and Heat Hazards: Virtual
Workplace Safety: Elko, Reno, Winnemucca
* Indicates a Road Scholar Program class.
Host in-person training at your agency and receive three free seats. Contact Tracey to request.